We can all agree that something must change

Tell Arizona Legislators to VOTE YES on HB 2682

Arizona is divided.

Divided across political party lines and divided with how we enforce laws on tobacco and vapor products. One thing we can all agree on is something must change.

The state legislature has introduced a new bill, House Bill 2682, that will address tobacco and vapor product rules for the state in a few critical and much needed ways. HB 2628 has broad bipartisan support, being co-sponsored by House Representative Justin Wilmeth (Republican, District 15) and State Senator Tony Navarrete (Democrat, District 30).

House Bill 2682 will:

Raise the age to purchase tobacco and vapor products to 21

Enact strong statewide enforcement of these products

Create a consistent, balanced and uniform approach to enforcing tobacco and vapor laws

Lawmakers in Phoenix will vote on HB 2682 soon and we need your support.

Tell legislators to vote YES on HB 2682 on May 7th. Time is running out; send your message to legislators now by completing the form below. We’ll deliver the message to your representative.

Paid for by RESOURCE
Retailers and Store Owners United to Rebuild our Communities’ Economies

455 Capitol Mall Suite #600, Sacramento, CA 95814

Funding for this effort includes contributions from Altria Client Services LLC.

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